Saturday, December 27, 2008

Parallels and Qimage

New times:

  • Phase 1a: ~3 min
  • Phase 1b: ~4 min
  • Phase 2: (who cares)

It's a little disappointing, actually, that turning on 4 CPUs in Parallels and giving the VM 2 GB of RAM does nothing for print speeds, esp. since Qimage ought to be able to parallelize the rasterization.  For a second, though, it seemed that the multithreaded thumb generation was going to work faster (using 4-cores), but alas, it slowed the VM to a crawl.  Is it because of the printer running out of paper?  Is that somehow jamming up the XP kernel?  Or, is it just that giving the VM all 4 cores is jamming up the physical machine?


Would love to print from Leopard using the 16-bit drivers from Epson.  Looks like ColorSync can be disabled in the printer preferences by enabling Epson color mangaement and not ColySync (really?) and Epson's drivers look like they can be told to turn off color management.

Will try LR2 later to see if printing directly can yield a good result.  Something tells me that the interpolation techniques used by Qimage will be better, but won't make too much practical difference unless I have higher resolution images with high-frequency areas.  But, if 16-bit printing is possible, that might make up for the difference.

But, a second perusal on the interwebosphere still show signs that Mac OS Printing is stupid...


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