Tuesday, December 30, 2008


The product, for the most part, is reasonable.  It makes input, output, and monitor profiles, generally easily.

But, to make a scanner profile with a Q60 target it doesn't recognize?  Woe is you.


For whatever reason, the set of "allowed" Q60 targets that can be chosen is fixed.  To get your own data in there (e.g., if you bought your own target, and it's not one of the ones listed), then you have go through the following hack:

  1. Duplicate the folder called "IT8 Targets" in the X-Rite system directory  (/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/IT8 Targets), and make sure you've copied all the files inside to the newly-duplicated folder.
  2. Then, open PROFILER.
  3. Select Input
  4. Select IT8.7/2 (Reflective)
  5. Select "Other...", and write down one of the filenames which is *NOT* grayed-out.
  6. Now, go back to the Finder.
  7. Open that file with the name you wrote down, using Textedit.
  8. Replace that file's contents with the custom Q60 data you have (i.e., cut-and-paste from new Q60 file into the existing Q60 file).
  9. Now, go back to PROFILER.
  10. Select the file you just chose.
  11. Continue in PROFILER.
  12. (make profile)
  13. Put the files you messed with back, using the copy you made in Step 1.

I suspected something with the file format, permissions, or other metadata.  Not really...I used 'od -c' to check it.  No CR/LF issues.  I also checked the metadata, and it looks like they have different creators, and different file-types (at least in terms of the app used to open them).  But, it's hard to imagine that PROFILER reads the extended MacOS metadata.


My best guess at this point is that those targets are built-in to PROFILER.  Which makes me wonder if the profile it made is really using the new data I copied-and-pasted, or if it's just using the data built-in.


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